Activity 1: Evaluating publishing your work
When publishing my work from researching the professional short films, to coming up with my idea, to planning, through to the making of my short film, I primarily used this digital platform (Blogger). When researching the suggested short films, using a digital platform allowed me to post my initial ideas on the films, and then return to the area, having watched them again, in order to edit or add ti what I had initially taken from watching the films. This was useful as I was able to add to, and develop my ideas about the films on different occasions. In terms of planning my own film, I mostly planned my work on paper before transferring it onto the area for it to be published. This allowed me to collect my ideas, before placing them into an order and format that made the most sense to me. This reproduction of my work from paper to the digital copy, enabled me to find creative clarity in my ideas during the planning process. Other advantages of using this digital space was that everythi...