narrative/ plot sequence

Narrative/Plot Sequence

'A girl with terminal cancer embarks on a journey to ensure that her tumour does not 'win'', is the pitch of my film. For me, the idea of a journey is important as it captures both the physical and metaphorical nature of the word. She is physically travelling closer to her death, yet is also on a metaphorical journey that reflects the nature of her journey as a cancer patient. Due to the film being about two sensitive, emotive topics; cancer and suicide, my aim is to tell the story primarily through the excessive use of voice over and dialogue, whilst keeping the camera work simple and clinical.

My opening shot is a long shot of Grace sitting on her bed, packing her belongings into a bag. She packs belongings into a bag that she uses during her journey, allowing the audience to infer the precise, pre-planned nature of this journey. This will hopefully cause the audience to ask questions about where she is going before they actually find out, fuelling the sense of mystery around the main character. Further mystery is created as once the audience do find out where she is going, they are forced to question her reason for bringing a bag. This sets up for the open ending that I am aiming to achieve and the end of my film.

My Closing shot is a close-up shot of Grace lying down in the grass. Her head turns towards the camera and smiles. This smile provokes the audience to ask further questions, deliberating whether she did follow through with her plan to take her own life before 'Tony' her tumour, does. The lighting gets darker as the film progresses, mirroring how the film gets darker as it progresses.

I think that the most difficult parts of making my film will be the tracking shot where Grace is walking down her road, talking to the camera because I feel as though getting the sound to be clear and not muffled will be difficult. I also ideally want to film part of the film on a train or tube platform, however this may not be possible, so trying to get around this setback could be difficult.


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